About the Author – Dr. Michael Christensen
In the fall of 2015 my vibrant, healthy, wonderful mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She would have only 4 months to live. During that time, my sister, a holistic health coach, and my brother a healer, and I researched ways to restore her. But the cancer had spread too fast and had infected her entire body.
Looking at the research, I realized that there were therapies we could all do that help mitigate the chances of cancer, but you have to start early. I began to understand that the body is an open system and to understand the body, you had look at various complicated and seemingly random processes.
Soon after my mom passed, I was at my annual physical, lamenting to my physician that I could not seem to lose or even maintain my weight. He said that maybe I should get used to my heavier weight because the effort, in terms of diet and exercise, was greater than the expected results. I rejected that advice.
Instead, I used the research skills I gained completing my doctorate and did a deep dive into the diet industry. I looked at weight loss from every angle: nutrition, diet, exercise, medicine, and holistic health. My Masters’ degree in systems management and my experience as a pilot and Air Force officer taught me that to be complete, the separate research towers had to be combined. This was a special skill I was born with.
My “ah ha” moment came when I realized that having weight loss as a goal put the body and mind in conflict, making weight loss less likely. My physician also relayed a story about one of his patients who had lost 150 lbs. When I asked how, he said his patient had one simple formula. He lost 3 pounds of baggage for every pound of fat lost. These are the seeds of the Ultimate diet Process. I followed the research where it led and found 8 principles that had weight loss as a side effect. Once weight is just a data point, I could happily watch the weight fall off, without effort.
That’s my gift to you: the paradigm shift from everything you’ve heard to everything you can be. I live my life deliberately, and you can too.